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Lipsticknlinguine is PR friendly blog

We love sharing fantastic brands with our readers and showing them whats hot, new and cool all at once.

We offer sidebar space for advertising as well as the opportunity to feature in blog posts at very competitive prices.

Interested in advertising with us or curious about collaborative opportunities?

Send through an email via the ABOUT page for more information or to request a media kit (contains rates).

Sponsored blog posts are typically 250 to 400 words long and are illustrated with numerous photographs. Posts are amplified with social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Opinions and reviews would remain unbiased and we reserve the right to refrain from reviewing a product that does not reflect the nature of the blog or its author. Products must be provided.

We love receiving packages but please be aware that sending out product does not automatically guarantee a mention in any content produced and does not replace payment for sponsored posts. 

We look forward to working with you!