So.. it turns out I like highlighters I was recently tagged by Lipstick addict to show all my favourite highlighters. I guess you might say that I’m a bit of a highlighter/illuminator afficionado! I have quite a collection of sparkly, shiny and shimmery items in my collection that help me to maintain the illusion of my inner […]
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….and their drugstore equivalents if you’re saving for something else. More expensive does not always equal better. We’ve heard it all before and Its been a bit of a theme in my posts lately. I’m so grateful that I’ve been sent a few things to review lately that have really reintroduced me to some amazing […]
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- March 20, 2014
- beauty, drugstore, nars, nars light reflecting pressed powder, review, smashbox
and something in between. There are some makeup items that i will pay top dollar for and then others that i tend to fail to see the value of. Foundation for example I don’t mind shelling out on but what about eyeliners? I’ve spent lots of money on these in the past to find […]
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- March 11, 2014
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- essence, eyeliner, makeup, nars
I have to admit, I caved into to hype and decided to steer away from my HG foundation and try something new! And what better product to try than the Nars Sheer Glow foundation. I was already a firm fan of the brand so well known for their blushes and knew that I liked […]
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- March 01, 2014
- foundation, nars, review
Photo taken from kit cosmetics facebook page. From the company behind Kit and Mecca cosmetic stores comes the announcement (via their facebook and instagram pages) that a new “beauty brand is launching into #kitcosmetics next month” Automatically I thought of brands such as Tarte cosmetics, Cargo and Urban Decay which have been unavailable in Australia […]
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- January 21, 2014
- 1 Comment
- beauty, benefit, Clinique, kit cosmetics, mecca cosmetica, nars, revlon